The 50’s, the Mediterranean as a canvas, between Paris and the South of France, my grandmother, Madame Augier de Moussac, strolling through a market, having lunch in a luxury hotel, or at a chic evening, surrounded by artists, with her essential : her belt, which gave her an incredible look!
Using a sketch she had drawn, she had this design made and gave it to me as a precious heirloom : « you will see, you won’t be able to live without it ! »
Remembering a time when women dressed with style and elegance, I reimagined this belt, the « Marie Brigitte », in 7 colors of the finest full grain leather that will become Augier de Moussac brand classics : navy blue, Klein blue, plum, English green, black, gold and chocolate.
At once classic, rock and timeless, it structures and dresses up any outfit, giving it the ultimate look !

Anneaux en laiton
Our Ateliers
Nos ateliers sont situés dans la montagne noire, en France, nos ceintures sont fabriquées avec le meilleur cuir qui soit, le cuir pleine fleur, et les oeillets sont en laiton.
This gorgeous work is handcrafted by passionate artisans. Their meticulous attention to details and love of their craft ensure that each belt is unique and timeless.